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Understanding Our Community: Statistics of England and Wales


This unit focuses on exploring our community beyond individual interactions. It's essential to understand the demographics that shape our service engagement.

Challenges in Community Engagement

Recognizing Community Diversity: Engaging with our community requires acknowledging its diverse composition beyond our immediate interactions.

Overcoming Blinkered Perspectives: Often, we only engage with certain parts of our community, missing out on understanding its full breadth and diversity.

Activity: Exploring Statistics

I challenge you to match the provided statistics with different demographic groups to understand the composition of England and Wales. This exercise aims to challenge preconceptions about population diversity.

Statistics will cover ethnicity, religion, and health based on the 2011 census data from the Office of National Statistics.


Take a few minutes to explore the statistics and consider how they reshape your understanding of community demographics. It's an opportunity to broaden your perspective and enhance community engagement.