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Facilitation Skills Training

About the Training Programme

Meet Jackie Clifford, a trainer at Voluntary Sector Training with Healthwatch Essex:

  • Introduction: Jackie Clifford introduces a training programme designed for anyone interested in engaging with the public or specific communities.
  • Focus: The modules revolve around facilitation skills, aimed at helping participants achieve desired outcomes when working with groups.

What You Will Learn

Participating in this training programme offers:

  • Tools and Techniques: Learn a diverse range of tools, techniques, and models essential for effective facilitation.
  • Outcome Orientation: Acquire skills to guide groups towards achieving their intended outcomes.

Benefits of Participation

Enrolling in this training will:

  • Foundation of Skills: Build a solid foundation in facilitation skills.
  • Module Options: Explore additional modules beyond facilitation for comprehensive learning.

Join us to enhance your facilitation capabilities and make a positive impact on your engagements with diverse groups!