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NAOMIE Planning Tool for Facilitation

Introduction to NAOMIE

NAOMIE is a versatile planning tool that can be applied not only in facilitation settings but across various contexts:

  • Needs: Identify the specific needs of both yourself and the group.
  • Aims: Set the overarching direction or purpose of the facilitated session.
  • Objectives: Define measurable outcomes or achievements expected by the end of the session.
  • Methods: Choose appropriate tools and techniques to facilitate interaction and achieve objectives.
  • Implementation: Execute the planned session, considering logistics and practicalities.
  • Evaluation: Continuously assess the effectiveness of the facilitation process against objectives.

Using NAOMIE for Planning

Let's break down how NAOMIE can guide your planning process step-by-step:

1. Needs

Start by understanding the needs of both yourself and the group you are facilitating:

  • Consider what information, ideas, or experiences you seek to gather from the session.
  • Reflect on the motivations and expectations of the participants.

2. Aims

Define the overarching aim or purpose of the facilitated session:

  • Specify what you aim to achieve by the end of the session, such as gathering insights or generating ideas.

3. Objectives

Establish clear and measurable objectives that participants should accomplish:

  • Outline what participants should contribute or achieve during the session.
  • Ensure objectives are specific, achievable, and relevant to the needs identified.

4. Methods

Select appropriate methods and techniques tailored to the group:

  • Choose facilitation tools that encourage participation and engagement.
  • Consider the group dynamics and environment to determine effective methods.

5. Implementation

Prepare for the practical execution of your planned session:

  • Arrange the physical space and resources needed for the session.
  • Ensure logistics support the chosen methods and objectives.

6. Evaluation

Continuously assess the facilitation process and its outcomes:

  • Reflect on how well the session met its objectives.
  • Identify what worked effectively and what challenges were encountered.
  • Adjust methods or approaches during the session if necessary.

NAOMIE provides a structured approach to planning facilitation sessions, ensuring clarity and effectiveness throughout the process.